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  • تاریخ انتشار : Aug 15 2024 - 09:11
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 74
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 minute(s)

Holding the second quarterly meeting of the Research Council of the Faculty of Medicine in Razi Hospital

According to Sina Resaneh of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Razi Hospital, the second quarterly meeting of the Research Council of the Faculty of Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences was held on Monday, August 22, 1403 in the amphitheater hall of Razi Hospital.
First, Dr. Shahin Hamza Lo, the head of Razi Hospital, presented some points about the research background in the hospital, and then Dr. Nima Rezaei, the research assistant of the Faculty of Medicine, while praising the distinguished professors and veterans of Razi Hospital, presented a report on the performance of all centers, including Razi Hospital.
 Dr. Narges Ghandi, the director of the dermatology department of the hospital, mentioned some things about the research goals of the department and the activities of the professors in their research line.
 Also, Dr. Kamran Balighi, a veteran professor and member of Razi Hospital's academic staff, spoke about Razi Hospital's international ranking in relation to auto-immune blistering diseases and pointed to its outstanding position in the world.
Dr. Zeinab Arianyan, the research assistant of the hospital, gave explanations about the registry system and recording clinical information, and in the continuation of the lectures, Dr. Maryam Nasimi, the research assistant of the Razi Hospital's dermatology department, gave explanations about the research activities of the group and the statistics of theses.
In the end, the workshop of using available facilities and experiences to facilitate the process of knowledge translation was held by Dr. Fatemeh Sheikh Shuai, and the discussion of the respected members of the Research Council continued.
  • کد خبر : 274088
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Behnam Ashkani

Behnam Ashkani


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